What Self Respecting Web Site Would Be Complete Without At Least One COVID 19 Reference?
Making the Slope Great Again!
Hit Control F5 (^F5) to refresh the chart. Chart courtesy of Johns Hopkins University
"All we want are the facts, ma’am"
Source: Johns Hopkins University Corona Virus Resource Center
In memoriam
"When I get to heaven
And then I'm gonna get a cocktail: vodka and ginger ale
Yeah, I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long
I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tilt-a-whirl
'Cause this old man is goin' to town."
John Prine, singer songwriter, died today April 7 2020, COVID 19 got him, he was 73
FORM MAIL WILL RETURN SOON after we figure out how to stop the cybervermin from abusing it.
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Data Sheets! A great site loaded with semiconductor data sheets. Free downloads (for now at least) of data sheets for current and obsolete electronic components. Take advantage of this site while it last!
Superior genetic endowment but still can't do better than this?
Images on this site processed with Graphics Workshop Professional. Excellent shareware graphics programs and image tools, beware the leather winged demons.
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